Friday, Ben, Rex, and I went to, you guessed it, Katy Mills mall:
Let's roll!
We all rode the new train they have around the mall. Ben LOVES trains.
Cupcakes!!! There were Bunny Boo (carrot cake), German Chocolate, Strawberry, Velvet Elvis (red velvet cake), & some kind of Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate concoction that sounds like something I'd like as my last meal. Elaine made the cupcake stand out of platters and bowls. Beautiful!
Sunday, I took Rex to church for the first time since he was dedicated on Mother's Day and he stayed in the nursery. He did really well and was happy to spend some time with the nice lady that was caring for the babies that morning.
That afternoon, we went to Saltgrass for a late birthday lunch with Mike's parents and sister to celebrate Mike's dad, John's birthday. After lunch we came back to our house and had cake!
Ben with PaPa singing Happy Birthday
PaPa & Ben after the blowing-out of the candles
Ben ate a HUGE piece of cake
After cake, Aunt Melissa & NaNa got into the Wii. Ben and Melissa played a mean game of tennis!
Friday evening, we had the pleasure of having dinner with our friend, Keli and her son Braden, who is Ben's age. Ben and Braden played in the sandbox at Victor's Mexican restaurant and Keli got to give Rex a cuddle and we all ate to our hearts content! I regret, there are no pictures of the boys or of my delicious chimichanga. :(
Saturday, we went to one of Ben's friend's birthday party. Ella and her parents hosted a splendid affair. Mike and Ben took part in swimming in the pool and we all noshed on burgers, hot dogs, and other yummy stuff. It was a great time.
Saturday evening, I went to my friend, Holly's baby shower. Another friend, Elaine, hosted us and it was an absolutely beautiful shower. The Barefoot Contessa has nothing on Elaine! Turkey breast, sausage, pasta salad, and field greens were on the menu, as well as some fantastic appetizers and cupcakes from Ooo La La Bakery that were as big as my head.
Sunday, I took Rex to church for the first time since he was dedicated on Mother's Day and he stayed in the nursery. He did really well and was happy to spend some time with the nice lady that was caring for the babies that morning.
That afternoon, we went to Saltgrass for a late birthday lunch with Mike's parents and sister to celebrate Mike's dad, John's birthday. After lunch we came back to our house and had cake!
Monday, we went to Inflatable Zone with Kaitlyn and Valerie and let the kids go crazy.
Ben on the giant slide!
We went to Chik Fil A for lunch after Inflatable Zone and they had all kinds of fun activities for the kids. Valerie was trying to get Ben to pose for me, but she had to eventually restrain him and it turned into a laughing matter.
That afternoon, we came home and I'd had about enough of Rex's Ed Grimley impression. That hair just had to go. Part of me felt bad about cutting my baby's hair, but he seemed so happy after I did it. I don't think he liked his 3 inch comb-over anymore.
All smiles and a cooler head!
Today, we went to Chuck E Cheese and met up with my friend, Franky and her little boy, Dante, who is great buds with Ben. The boys ran around like little maniacs and had a ball while Franky and I caught up with each other and kept Rex entertained. It was a wonderful time and I had to ask myself why I waited so long to reach out and ask Franky to get together! She's a wonderful friend and I've missed her.
Both boys took good naps this afternoon and I got lots done around the house. Once Mike got home, I went to meet with some people, then went to the grocery store, so I don't have to drag the boys there tomorrow in the heat or, possibly the rain.
That afternoon, we came home and I'd had about enough of Rex's Ed Grimley impression. That hair just had to go. Part of me felt bad about cutting my baby's hair, but he seemed so happy after I did it. I don't think he liked his 3 inch comb-over anymore.
Today, we went to Chuck E Cheese and met up with my friend, Franky and her little boy, Dante, who is great buds with Ben. The boys ran around like little maniacs and had a ball while Franky and I caught up with each other and kept Rex entertained. It was a wonderful time and I had to ask myself why I waited so long to reach out and ask Franky to get together! She's a wonderful friend and I've missed her.
Both boys took good naps this afternoon and I got lots done around the house. Once Mike got home, I went to meet with some people, then went to the grocery store, so I don't have to drag the boys there tomorrow in the heat or, possibly the rain.
So that's it! I hope everyone had a great weekend!