This weekend was incredibly busy, but extremely fun! It was full of great times with family and friends. My Premier Designs jewelry party was a smashing success and a great time was had by all! I laid out a tremendous brunch spread, if I do say so myself (!), of southwestern quiche, kolaches, spinach salad, muffins, fruit, turtle brownies, juices, sodas, and coffee. Kelly, the Premier Designs jewelry lady (and someone who's quickly becoming a friend), did a fabulous job of showcasing all of the gorgeous jewelry. I can't accessorize to save my life, but I'm learning! I couldn't believe all the beautiful jewelry there was to choose from. It was great!
After the party, Jennifer stuck around and we were able to spend some special time together with Ben and Mike. She watched the "Ben movie", as Ben calls it, which is a beautiful DVD of all the pictures of Ben from this last school year. It's such a wonderful slideshow set to music and it brings tears to my eyes every time. His teacher, Miss Wendy, put it together and I will be forever grateful to her for her generosity and dedication.
Ben and Mike played together after that and Jen and I were able to spend some time talking about life and what has been going on with us both. It is one of my most favorite things to do. Jennifer is a rare gem and a most extraordinary friend.
Sunday was wonderful. I tried very hard to be super-wife and take care of both boys AND make Mike a Father's Day breakfast. Um, impossible. I did get breakfast made, but he ended up handling the boys more than I'd have liked. He laughed it off and said this is what fathers do and that he loved it. *Sigh* I love him.
Mike opened his gifts and loved the Willowtree figurine that Rex "gave" him. It is of a man holding and gazing at a baby. I added it to our collection and it looks so beautiful with all the others.
Vanessa also wrote Mike a beautiful and touching card that really made him feel special. I am so grateful that they are close and that Mike is able to be there for her.
Mid-afternoon, Mike's parents, my wonderful in-laws came over for a late lunch/early dinner. We ordered out for Chinese and it was fantastic. After we ate, the men opened more Father's Day gifts and we spent some time together playing with the boys. We discussed going to Disney World sometime next spring together as a family, perhaps doing a Disney cruise. We all got so excited talking about it. We looked at the Disney World website and Ben watched videos of the different parks over and over again. It would be so magical for Ben and Rex. I can't wait to see if we can make it happen.
After the Disney discussion, Mike, John, and Ben went outside with Ben's little golf clubs. Belinda and Rex looked on from inside the kitchen while golfing lessons ensued.
After the party, Jennifer stuck around and we were able to spend some special time together with Ben and Mike. She watched the "Ben movie", as Ben calls it, which is a beautiful DVD of all the pictures of Ben from this last school year. It's such a wonderful slideshow set to music and it brings tears to my eyes every time. His teacher, Miss Wendy, put it together and I will be forever grateful to her for her generosity and dedication.
Ben and Mike played together after that and Jen and I were able to spend some time talking about life and what has been going on with us both. It is one of my most favorite things to do. Jennifer is a rare gem and a most extraordinary friend.
Sunday was wonderful. I tried very hard to be super-wife and take care of both boys AND make Mike a Father's Day breakfast. Um, impossible. I did get breakfast made, but he ended up handling the boys more than I'd have liked. He laughed it off and said this is what fathers do and that he loved it. *Sigh* I love him.
Mike opened his gifts and loved the Willowtree figurine that Rex "gave" him. It is of a man holding and gazing at a baby. I added it to our collection and it looks so beautiful with all the others.
Vanessa also wrote Mike a beautiful and touching card that really made him feel special. I am so grateful that they are close and that Mike is able to be there for her.
Mid-afternoon, Mike's parents, my wonderful in-laws came over for a late lunch/early dinner. We ordered out for Chinese and it was fantastic. After we ate, the men opened more Father's Day gifts and we spent some time together playing with the boys. We discussed going to Disney World sometime next spring together as a family, perhaps doing a Disney cruise. We all got so excited talking about it. We looked at the Disney World website and Ben watched videos of the different parks over and over again. It would be so magical for Ben and Rex. I can't wait to see if we can make it happen.
After the Disney discussion, Mike, John, and Ben went outside with Ben's little golf clubs. Belinda and Rex looked on from inside the kitchen while golfing lessons ensued.
PaPa showed Ben how to hold the club.
Mike and I are lying in bed, me blogging (of course) and he, reading the last of the Sunday paper. He expressed to me a few minutes ago how special his day was. As amazing of a father as he is, I'm so grateful we were able to give him half the joy today that he gives us daily. Life is most certainly beautiful...
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